Personas transitan por la calle de San Francisco cerca de la Catedral de Guadalajara
- Título(s)
- Título
- Personas transitan por la calle de San Francisco cerca de la Catedral de Guadalajara
- Anotaciones:
- Inscripción en la guarda: "Martine Chomel", "832770", I.O. la postal con fotografía estereoscópica lleva inscrito del lado izquierdo lo siguiente; "Keystone View Company", "COPYRIGHTED", "Manufacturers MADE IN U.S.A.", "Publishers", abajo "161171- San Francisco Street and Cathedral Guadalajara, Mexico.", del lado derecho "Meadville, Pa., New York. N.Y. Portland, Oregon. London, Eng., Sydney, Aus.". En el reverso lleva la inscripción: del lado izquierdo "16174 SAN FRANCISCO STREET AND CATHEDRAL. GUADALAJARA", del derecho "Lat. 22° N.; Long. 103° W" y abajo, "When you look down the long vista of this street you can understand why Guadalajara was earned for herself the reputation of being the most beautiful city in Mexico. In the distance you can see the spires of the cathedral. The streets are wide and paved with asphalt. One each side are handsome, white stone buildings, built, as a rule, after the modern Spanish style. The Streets are at right angles to each other, and often to through parks and plazas with shady tropical trees and gorgeous tropical flowers. On the principal business streets there are excellent shops, and numerous banks and commercial agencies. Streets cars lines and electric light posts can be found on many of the streets, and the modern electric car whizzes past stately buildings of the old days. There are no mean streets in Guadalajara, such as can be found in the slums of almost any large city, for Guadalajara has no slums. You cannot judge much from the rear view of the peons who are crossing the streets, but if you could see their faces you would notice that they appear more intelligent than the peons of many other Mexican cities. They are apt to be cleaner, too. This street looks very quiet at this moment, but a varied life flows through the streets of this city. When the band plays the plaza is filled with dark-eyed beauties. On the noumerous holidays there are civic and military processions, and the streets are filled with well dressed throngs. There is one sight that you might see on the streets that would probably amuse you very much. As there are no poultry shops in the city, the poultry vendor drives his flock through the streets, and the housekeepes come out and select the fowl they wish. Copyright by The Keystone View Company". V.F. 832768, 832769.
- Idioma
- Español
- Temática
- Geográfica
- Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
- Temporal
- Ca. 1900
- Origen
- Lugar
- Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
- Fecha de creación
- Ca. 1900
- Autoría
- Keystone View Company
- Tipo de recurso
- Imagen fija
- Fotografía
- Descripción física
- Forma
- Hasta 12.7 - 17.8 cms (5 - 7 pulgadas)
- Impresión plata sobre gelatina (entonada y manipulada)
- Ubicación
- Fototeca Nacional
- Identificadores
- 77_20140827-134500:832770
- Catálogo
- 832770
- Catalogación
- Fuente
- SINAFO, A. del Valle
- Digitalización
- Formato del original (GMD)
- Fotografía
- Origen del recurso digital
- Reformateado digital
- Formato del recurso digital
- Image/vnd.sealedmedia.softseal-jpg
- Calidad del recurso digital
- Acceso
Vista Impresión
- Título(s)
- Título
- Personas transitan por la calle de San Francisco cerca de la Catedral de Guadalajara
- Anotaciones:
- Inscripción en la guarda: "Martine Chomel", "832770", I.O. la postal con fotografía estereoscópica lleva inscrito del lado izquierdo lo siguiente; "Keystone View Company", "COPYRIGHTED", "Manufacturers MADE IN U.S.A.", "Publishers", abajo "161171- San Francisco Street and Cathedral Guadalajara, Mexico.", del lado derecho "Meadville, Pa., New York. N.Y. Portland, Oregon. London, Eng., Sydney, Aus.". En el reverso lleva la inscripción: del lado izquierdo "16174 SAN FRANCISCO STREET AND CATHEDRAL. GUADALAJARA", del derecho "Lat. 22° N.; Long. 103° W" y abajo, "When you look down the long vista of this street you can understand why Guadalajara was earned for herself the reputation of being the most beautiful city in Mexico. In the distance you can see the spires of the cathedral. The streets are wide and paved with asphalt. One each side are handsome, white stone buildings, built, as a rule, after the modern Spanish style. The Streets are at right angles to each other, and often to through parks and plazas with shady tropical trees and gorgeous tropical flowers. On the principal business streets there are excellent shops, and numerous banks and commercial agencies. Streets cars lines and electric light posts can be found on many of the streets, and the modern electric car whizzes past stately buildings of the old days. There are no mean streets in Guadalajara, such as can be found in the slums of almost any large city, for Guadalajara has no slums. You cannot judge much from the rear view of the peons who are crossing the streets, but if you could see their faces you would notice that they appear more intelligent than the peons of many other Mexican cities. They are apt to be cleaner, too. This street looks very quiet at this moment, but a varied life flows through the streets of this city. When the band plays the plaza is filled with dark-eyed beauties. On the noumerous holidays there are civic and military processions, and the streets are filled with well dressed throngs. There is one sight that you might see on the streets that would probably amuse you very much. As there are no poultry shops in the city, the poultry vendor drives his flock through the streets, and the housekeepes come out and select the fowl they wish. Copyright by The Keystone View Company". V.F. 832768, 832769.
- Idioma
- Español
- Temática
- Geográfica
- Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
- Temporal
- Ca. 1900
- Origen
- Lugar
- Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
- Fecha de creación
- Ca. 1900
- Autoría
- Keystone View Company
- Tipo de recurso
- Imagen fija
- Fotografía
- Descripción física
- Forma
- Hasta 12.7 - 17.8 cms (5 - 7 pulgadas)
- Impresión plata sobre gelatina (entonada y manipulada)
- Ubicación
- Fototeca Nacional
- Identificadores
- 77_20140827-134500:832770
- Catálogo
- 832770
- Catalogación
- Fuente
- SINAFO, A. del Valle
- Digitalización
- Formato del original (GMD)
- Fotografía
- Origen del recurso digital
- Reformateado digital
- Formato del recurso digital
- Image/vnd.sealedmedia.softseal-jpg
- Calidad del recurso digital
- Acceso
- Adquisición Martine Chomel
- Martine Chomel
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