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008 | |||||||||||||||||spa||
852 |aCoordinación Nacional de Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural
260 |bInstituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia|c2019-12-31
650 1 |aConservación|xRestauración
887 |a
773 0 |tConversaciones con... Num. 8 (2019) Herb Stovel
773 0 |tConversaciones con...
540 |aCreative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND)
245 10|aOrígenes e influencia del Documento de Nara sobre autenticidad|pConversaciones con... Herb Stovel Num. 8 Año 5 (2019) julio-diciembre
700 1 |aHerb|eauthor|ecreator
700 1 |aValerie|etranslator
655 7|aArtículo de revista|2mediateca-genero
520 |aEste artículo analiza los orígenes, así como la influencia del Documento de Nara sobre autenticidad (Nara, Japón, 1994) en las actitudes y los enfoques de la conservación en el contexto particular de las operaciones del Comité del Patrimonio Mundial y más allá, en el mundo de la conservación.
500 |aAndrus, Patrick W. and Rebecca H. Shrimpton (2002) “How to evaluate the integrity of a property”, in: How to apply the National Register criteria for evaluation, National Register Bulletin, VIII [].
500 |aDushkina, Natalia (1995) “Authenticity: towards the ecology of culture”, in: Knut Einar Larsen (ed.), Nara conference on authenticity - Conférence de Nara sur l’authenticité, Japan 1994, Proceedings, UNESCO World Heritage Centre/Agency for Cultural Affairs (Japan)/ICCROM/ICOMOS, Tapir Publishers, Trondheim, pp. 307-310.
500 |aEnglish Heritage (2001) Policy statement on restoration, reconstruction and speculative recreation of archaeological sites including ruins, photocopy, author’s files.
500 |aICOMOS (1996) Declaration of San Antonio, ICOMOS, San Antonio.
500 |aJokilehto, Jukka (1993) “Treatment and authenticity”, in: Bernard Feilden and Jukka Jokilehto (eds.), Management guidelines for World Cultural Heritage sites, ICCROM-UNESCO ICOMOS, Rome, pp. 59-75.
500 |aMunjeri, Dawson (2001) “The notions of integrity and authenticity: the emerging patterns in Africa”, in: Galia Saouma-Forero (ed.), Authenticity and integrity in an African context. Expert meeting, Great Zimbabwe, 26/29 May, 2000, UNESCO, Paris, pp.-19.
500 |aNara document on authenticity (1994) “Nara document on authenticity”, in: Knut Einar Larsen (ed.), Nara conference on authenticity - Conférence de Nara sur l’authenticité, Japan 1994, Proceedings, UNESCO World Heritage Centre/Agency for Cultural Affairs (Japan)/ICCROM/ICOMOS, Tapir Publishers, Trondheim, pp. XXI-XXV.
500 |aSaouma-Forero, Galia (ed.) (2001) Authenticity and integrity in an African context. Expert meeting, Great Zimbabwe, 26/29 May, 2000, UNESCO, Paris.
500 |aStovel, Herb (1995) “Working towards the Nara document”, in: Knut Einar Larsen (ed.), Nara conference on authenticity - Conférence de Nara sur l’authenticité, Japan 1994, Proceedings, UNESCO World Heritage Centre/Agency for Cultural Affairs (Japan)/ICCROM/ICOMOS, Tapir Publishers, Trondheim, pp. XXXIII-XXXIV.
500 |aStovel, Herb (1995) “Considerations in framing the authenticity question for conservation”, in: Knut Einar Larsen (ed.), Nara conference on authenticity - Conférence de Nara sur l’authenticité, Japan 1994, Proceedings, UNESCO World Heritage Centre/ Agency for Cultural Affairs (Japan)/ICCROM/ICOMOS, Tapir Publishers, Trondheim, pp. 393-398.
500 |aStovel, Herb (2001) “The Riga Charter on authenticity and historical reconstruction in relationship to cultural heritage, Riga, Latvia, October 2000”, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 4 (4): 241-244.
500 |aStovel, Herb (2003) “Annex 4”, in: The Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, version prepared by the Advisory Bodies (unpublished, March 2003).
500 |aTschudi-Madsen, Stefan (1985) “Principles in practice”, APT Bulletin 17 (3-4): 12-20.
500 |aUNESCO-World Heritage Centre (1994) Report on the expert meeting on heritage canals (Canada, September 1994), WHC-94/ CONF-003/INF.10, World Heritage Centre, UNESCO.
500 |aUNESCO (2005) Operational guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, World Heritage Centre, UNESCO, Paris.
500 |aVenice Charter (1964) Venice Charter [].


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