Orígenes e influencia del Documento de Nara sobre autenticidad

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    Orígenes e influencia del Documento de Nara sobre autenticidad
    Conversaciones con... Herb Stovel Num. 8 Año 5 (2019) julio-diciembre

    Este artículo analiza los orígenes, así como la influencia del Documento de Nara sobre autenticidad (Nara, Japón, 1994) en las actitudes y los enfoques de la conservación en el contexto particular de las operaciones del Comité del Patrimonio Mundial y más allá, en el mundo de la conservación.

    Andrus, Patrick W. and Rebecca H. Shrimpton (2002) “How to evaluate the integrity of a property”, in: How to apply the National Register criteria for evaluation, National Register Bulletin, VIII [https://www.nps.gov/nr/publications/bulletins/nrb15/].
    Dushkina, Natalia (1995) “Authenticity: towards the ecology of culture”, in: Knut Einar Larsen (ed.), Nara conference on authenticity - Conférence de Nara sur l’authenticité, Japan 1994, Proceedings, UNESCO World Heritage Centre/Agency for Cultural Affairs (Japan)/ICCROM/ICOMOS, Tapir Publishers, Trondheim, pp. 307-310.
    English Heritage (2001) Policy statement on restoration, reconstruction and speculative recreation of archaeological sites including ruins, photocopy, author’s files.
    ICOMOS (1996) Declaration of San Antonio, ICOMOS, San Antonio.
    Jokilehto, Jukka (1993) “Treatment and authenticity”, in: Bernard Feilden and Jukka Jokilehto (eds.), Management guidelines for World Cultural Heritage sites, ICCROM-UNESCO ICOMOS, Rome, pp. 59-75.
    Munjeri, Dawson (2001) “The notions of integrity and authenticity: the emerging patterns in Africa”, in: Galia Saouma-Forero (ed.), Authenticity and integrity in an African context. Expert meeting, Great Zimbabwe, 26/29 May, 2000, UNESCO, Paris, pp.-19.
    Nara document on authenticity (1994) “Nara document on authenticity”, in: Knut Einar Larsen (ed.), Nara conference on authenticity - Conférence de Nara sur l’authenticité, Japan 1994, Proceedings, UNESCO World Heritage Centre/Agency for Cultural Affairs (Japan)/ICCROM/ICOMOS, Tapir Publishers, Trondheim, pp. XXI-XXV.
    Saouma-Forero, Galia (ed.) (2001) Authenticity and integrity in an African context. Expert meeting, Great Zimbabwe, 26/29 May, 2000, UNESCO, Paris.
    Stovel, Herb (1995) “Working towards the Nara document”, in: Knut Einar Larsen (ed.), Nara conference on authenticity - Conférence de Nara sur l’authenticité, Japan 1994, Proceedings, UNESCO World Heritage Centre/Agency for Cultural Affairs (Japan)/ICCROM/ICOMOS, Tapir Publishers, Trondheim, pp. XXXIII-XXXIV.
    Stovel, Herb (1995) “Considerations in framing the authenticity question for conservation”, in: Knut Einar Larsen (ed.), Nara conference on authenticity - Conférence de Nara sur l’authenticité, Japan 1994, Proceedings, UNESCO World Heritage Centre/ Agency for Cultural Affairs (Japan)/ICCROM/ICOMOS, Tapir Publishers, Trondheim, pp. 393-398.
    Stovel, Herb (2001) “The Riga Charter on authenticity and historical reconstruction in relationship to cultural heritage, Riga, Latvia, October 2000”, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 4 (4): 241-244.
    Stovel, Herb (2003) “Annex 4”, in: The Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, version prepared by the Advisory Bodies (unpublished, March 2003).
    Tschudi-Madsen, Stefan (1985) “Principles in practice”, APT Bulletin 17 (3-4): 12-20.
    UNESCO-World Heritage Centre (1994) Report on the expert meeting on heritage canals (Canada, September 1994), WHC-94/ CONF-003/INF.10, World Heritage Centre, UNESCO.
    UNESCO (2005) Operational guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, World Heritage Centre, UNESCO, Paris.
    Venice Charter (1964) Venice Charter [https://www.icomos.org/charters/venice_e.pdf].



    Ciudad de México, México
    Fecha de publicación
    Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
    Monográfico único

    Herb Stovel

    / Instituciones
    Valerie Magar: Traductor

    Tipo de recurso
    Artículo de revista

    Coordinación Nacional de Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural

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    D.R. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México

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  • Vista Impresión

    Orígenes e influencia del Documento de Nara sobre autenticidad
    Conversaciones con... Herb Stovel Num. 8 Año 5 (2019) julio-diciembre

    Este artículo analiza los orígenes, así como la influencia del Documento de Nara sobre autenticidad (Nara, Japón, 1994) en las actitudes y los enfoques de la conservación en el contexto particular de las operaciones del Comité del Patrimonio Mundial y más allá, en el mundo de la conservación.

    Andrus, Patrick W. and Rebecca H. Shrimpton (2002) “How to evaluate the integrity of a property”, in: How to apply the National Register criteria for evaluation, National Register Bulletin, VIII [https://www.nps.gov/nr/publications/bulletins/nrb15/].
    Dushkina, Natalia (1995) “Authenticity: towards the ecology of culture”, in: Knut Einar Larsen (ed.), Nara conference on authenticity - Conférence de Nara sur l’authenticité, Japan 1994, Proceedings, UNESCO World Heritage Centre/Agency for Cultural Affairs (Japan)/ICCROM/ICOMOS, Tapir Publishers, Trondheim, pp. 307-310.
    English Heritage (2001) Policy statement on restoration, reconstruction and speculative recreation of archaeological sites including ruins, photocopy, author’s files.
    ICOMOS (1996) Declaration of San Antonio, ICOMOS, San Antonio.
    Jokilehto, Jukka (1993) “Treatment and authenticity”, in: Bernard Feilden and Jukka Jokilehto (eds.), Management guidelines for World Cultural Heritage sites, ICCROM-UNESCO ICOMOS, Rome, pp. 59-75.
    Munjeri, Dawson (2001) “The notions of integrity and authenticity: the emerging patterns in Africa”, in: Galia Saouma-Forero (ed.), Authenticity and integrity in an African context. Expert meeting, Great Zimbabwe, 26/29 May, 2000, UNESCO, Paris, pp.-19.
    Nara document on authenticity (1994) “Nara document on authenticity”, in: Knut Einar Larsen (ed.), Nara conference on authenticity - Conférence de Nara sur l’authenticité, Japan 1994, Proceedings, UNESCO World Heritage Centre/Agency for Cultural Affairs (Japan)/ICCROM/ICOMOS, Tapir Publishers, Trondheim, pp. XXI-XXV.
    Saouma-Forero, Galia (ed.) (2001) Authenticity and integrity in an African context. Expert meeting, Great Zimbabwe, 26/29 May, 2000, UNESCO, Paris.
    Stovel, Herb (1995) “Working towards the Nara document”, in: Knut Einar Larsen (ed.), Nara conference on authenticity - Conférence de Nara sur l’authenticité, Japan 1994, Proceedings, UNESCO World Heritage Centre/Agency for Cultural Affairs (Japan)/ICCROM/ICOMOS, Tapir Publishers, Trondheim, pp. XXXIII-XXXIV.
    Stovel, Herb (1995) “Considerations in framing the authenticity question for conservation”, in: Knut Einar Larsen (ed.), Nara conference on authenticity - Conférence de Nara sur l’authenticité, Japan 1994, Proceedings, UNESCO World Heritage Centre/ Agency for Cultural Affairs (Japan)/ICCROM/ICOMOS, Tapir Publishers, Trondheim, pp. 393-398.
    Stovel, Herb (2001) “The Riga Charter on authenticity and historical reconstruction in relationship to cultural heritage, Riga, Latvia, October 2000”, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 4 (4): 241-244.
    Stovel, Herb (2003) “Annex 4”, in: The Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, version prepared by the Advisory Bodies (unpublished, March 2003).
    Tschudi-Madsen, Stefan (1985) “Principles in practice”, APT Bulletin 17 (3-4): 12-20.
    UNESCO-World Heritage Centre (1994) Report on the expert meeting on heritage canals (Canada, September 1994), WHC-94/ CONF-003/INF.10, World Heritage Centre, UNESCO.
    UNESCO (2005) Operational guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, World Heritage Centre, UNESCO, Paris.
    Venice Charter (1964) Venice Charter [https://www.icomos.org/charters/venice_e.pdf].



    Ciudad de México, México
    Fecha de publicación
    Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
    Monográfico único

    Herb Stovel

    / Instituciones
    Valerie Magar: Traductor

    Tipo de recurso
    Artículo de revista

    Coordinación Nacional de Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural

    Condiciones de uso
    D.R. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México

    Creative Commons License


    Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia

    Origen del recurso digital
    Digital originalmente
    Calidad del recurso digital

    Área de procedencia

    Número de revista Conversaciones con... Num. 8 (2019) Herb Stovel
    Revista Conversaciones con...


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