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852 |aCoordinación Nacional de Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural
260 |bInstituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia|c2019-06-30
650 1 |aArte contemporáneo|xTeoría de la restauración
887 |a
773 0 |tConversaciones con... Num. 7 (2019) Cesare Brandi y Giulio Carlo
773 0 |tConversaciones con...
540 |aCreative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND)
245 10|aBrandi and the restoration of contemporary art. One side and the other the Teoria|pConversaciones con... Cesare Brandi y Giulio Carlo Num. 7 Año 5 (2019) enero-junio
700 1 |aMuriel|eauthor|ecreator|uESA Saint-Luc de Lieja
700 1 |aValerie|etranslator
655 7|aArtículo de revista|2mediateca-genero
520 |aThe theorization of contemporary art is often presented as a recent phenomenon, and refractory to the so-called “classical” approach, inspired by Brandi. This article shows that on the contrary, since Althöfer, Brandi 's theory has underpinned many exploratory approaches, and that a careful re-reading of entire parts of his work, often neglected, is able to inform the interventions of contemporary conservation.
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