Grupos sanguíneos y metabolismo basal.- Dos nuevos métodos antropológicos.
- Título(s)
- Título
- Grupos sanguíneos y metabolismo basal.- Dos nuevos métodos antropológicos.
- Anales del Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Historia y Etnografía. Num. 26 Tomo I (1934) Quinta Época (1934-1938)
- Referencias:
- Aub, J. C. and Du Bois, E. F. Arch. lnt. Med., 1917, 19, 823-831.
- Benedict, F. G. Boston Med. Surg. J. 1927, 197, 1161-1175; Bull.
- Soc. Sci. d'Hygiene Alimen., 1927, 15, 216.
- Chinese J. Physiol Report Ser., 1928, N° 1.
- Carpenter, T. M. Carn. lnst. Wash. Pub. 1924, N° 303 A, 108-122, Tables 19-20.
- De Almedia, A. O. J. de Physiol et de Path. gén., 1921. 19, 713-730; 958-964; 1924, 22, 12-18.
- Deryer, G. Lancet, 1920, Part 2, 289-291.
- Earle, H. G. The Caducens, 1922, 1, 85.
- Eijkman, C. (Pflüger's) Arch. f. d. Ges. Physiol., 1896, 64, 47-78; J. de Physiol et de Path. gén., 1921, 19, 33-35.
- Harris, J. A. and Benedict, Carn. Inst. Pub. 1919, N° 279. F. G.
- Knipping, H. W. Arch f. Schiffs u. Tropen-Hyg., 1923, 27, 169-178.
- McLeod, G., Crofts, E. E. Am. J. Physiol 1925, 73, 449-462; Poc. Nat. and Benedict, F. G. Acda. Sci., 1925, 11, 342-343.
- A Comparison of Methods for Determining the Respiratory Exchange of Man. By Thorne M. Carpenter, Washington, D. C. 1915. Carnegie Institution.
- A Comparative Study of Temperature Fluctuations in Different Parts of the Human Body. By Francis G. Benedict and Edgar P. Slack. Washington, 1911. Carnegie Institution.
- A Respiration Calorimeter. With Appliances for the Direct Determination of Oxygen. By W. O. Atwater and F. G. Benedict. Washington, D. C., 1905. Institution Carnegie.
- Energy Transformations During Horizontal Walking. By Francis G. Benedict and Hans Murschhauser. Washington, D. C. 1915. Carnegie Institution.
- Food Ingestion and Energy Transforrnations with special reference to the stimulating effect of Nutrients. By Francis G. Benedict and Thorne M. Carpenter. Washington, D. C. 1918. Carnegie Institution.
- Respiration Caloramienters for Studying the Respiratory Exchange and Energy Transformations of Man. By Francis G. Benedict and Thorne M. Carpenter. Washington, D. C. 1910. Carnegie Institution.
- Tables Factors and Formulas for Computing Respiratory Exchange and Biological Transformations of Energy. By Thorne M. Carpenter. Washington, D. C. 1924. Carnegie Institution.
- The Influence of Inanition on Metabolism. By Francis Gano Benedict. Washington, D. C. 1907. Carnegie Institution.
- The Metabolism and Energy Transformations of Healthy Man during Rest. By Francis G. Benedict and Thorne M. Carpenter. Washington, D. C. 1910. Carnegie Institution.
- The Physiology of the New-Born Infant. Character and Amount of the Katabolism. By Francis G. Benedict and Fritz B. Talbot. Washington, D. C. 1915. Carnegie Institution.
- Undernutrition in Steers: its Relation to Metabolism, Digestion, and Subsequent Realimentation. By Francis G. Benedict and Ernest G. Ritzman. Washington, D. C. Carnegie Institution.
- The Basal Metabolism of Mayas in Yucatan. G. D. Williams and F. G. Benedict.
- Age and Basal Metabolism of Adults. Francis G. Benedict.
- The Basal Metabolism of some Browns and Blacks in Jamaica. M. Steggerda.
- Respiration Apparatus for a Metabolic Study of the various Subdivisions of the Human Race. By Francis G. Benedict.
- Basal Metabolism data on Normal Men and Women (Serie II). With some considerations on the use of Predication Standards. Francis G. Benedict.
- Basal Metabolism in Anthropology. Francis G. Benedict.
- Basal Metabolism. The modern Measure of Vital Activity. Dr. F. Benedict.
- Field Respiration Apparatus for a medical and physiological survey of Racial Metabolism. By Francis Benedict. P. h. 1.
- A method for the determination of the Energy Values of foods and excreta. By Francis Benedict and Edward L. Fox.
- Royal Institution of Great Britain by France M. Carpenter.
- Skin Temperature and Heat Loss. Francis Benedict.
- The Measurement and standards of Basal Metabolism. Francis Benedict. Ph. D.
- The Pursuitmeter and Apparatus for measuring the adequacy of Neuro-Musculus Coordination. Descibed to Getheer, with illustration, W. R. Miles. Notes on the use the portable respiration apparatus. Francis Benedict.
- The Temperature of the human skin. F. G. Benedict, W. R. Miles and A. John.
- Portable respiration apparatus for clinical use. F. B. Benedict.
- Leopoldina amerikaband Sonderdruck.
- Large-number. Division by calculating machine. Harry H. Laughlin.
- The Motivation of Child bearing. R. H. Johnson.
- Intelligence as a Mendelian character. Harrison H. Hutt.
- The inheritance of dialects mellitus a study in polyfactorial Genetics and apparatus for Studying the respiration Exchange, Francis Benedict.
- Control Tests of a respiration Calorimeters. Francis G. Benedict, J. A. Riche and D. E. Emmes.
- Idioma
- Español
- Temática
- Origen
- Lugar
- Ciudad de México, México
- Fecha de publicación
- 1934-12-31
- Editor
- Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
- Emisión
- Monográfico único
- Tipo de recurso
- Texto
- Artículo de revista
- Identificadores
- 47_18771231-000000:27_506_7070
- Catalogación
- Fuente
- Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
- Idioma
- Español
- Digitalización
- Formato del original (GMD)
- Texto
- Origen del recurso digital
- Reformateado digital
- Formato del recurso digital
- Application/pdf
- Calidad del recurso digital
- Acceso
Vista Impresión
- Título(s)
- Título
- Grupos sanguíneos y metabolismo basal.- Dos nuevos métodos antropológicos.
- Anales del Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Historia y Etnografía. Num. 26 Tomo I (1934) Quinta Época (1934-1938)
- Referencias:
- Aub, J. C. and Du Bois, E. F. Arch. lnt. Med., 1917, 19, 823-831.
- Benedict, F. G. Boston Med. Surg. J. 1927, 197, 1161-1175; Bull.
- Soc. Sci. d'Hygiene Alimen., 1927, 15, 216.
- Chinese J. Physiol Report Ser., 1928, N° 1.
- Carpenter, T. M. Carn. lnst. Wash. Pub. 1924, N° 303 A, 108-122, Tables 19-20.
- De Almedia, A. O. J. de Physiol et de Path. gén., 1921. 19, 713-730; 958-964; 1924, 22, 12-18.
- Deryer, G. Lancet, 1920, Part 2, 289-291.
- Earle, H. G. The Caducens, 1922, 1, 85.
- Eijkman, C. (Pflüger's) Arch. f. d. Ges. Physiol., 1896, 64, 47-78; J. de Physiol et de Path. gén., 1921, 19, 33-35.
- Harris, J. A. and Benedict, Carn. Inst. Pub. 1919, N° 279. F. G.
- Knipping, H. W. Arch f. Schiffs u. Tropen-Hyg., 1923, 27, 169-178.
- McLeod, G., Crofts, E. E. Am. J. Physiol 1925, 73, 449-462; Poc. Nat. and Benedict, F. G. Acda. Sci., 1925, 11, 342-343.
- A Comparison of Methods for Determining the Respiratory Exchange of Man. By Thorne M. Carpenter, Washington, D. C. 1915. Carnegie Institution.
- A Comparative Study of Temperature Fluctuations in Different Parts of the Human Body. By Francis G. Benedict and Edgar P. Slack. Washington, 1911. Carnegie Institution.
- A Respiration Calorimeter. With Appliances for the Direct Determination of Oxygen. By W. O. Atwater and F. G. Benedict. Washington, D. C., 1905. Institution Carnegie.
- Energy Transformations During Horizontal Walking. By Francis G. Benedict and Hans Murschhauser. Washington, D. C. 1915. Carnegie Institution.
- Food Ingestion and Energy Transforrnations with special reference to the stimulating effect of Nutrients. By Francis G. Benedict and Thorne M. Carpenter. Washington, D. C. 1918. Carnegie Institution.
- Respiration Caloramienters for Studying the Respiratory Exchange and Energy Transformations of Man. By Francis G. Benedict and Thorne M. Carpenter. Washington, D. C. 1910. Carnegie Institution.
- Tables Factors and Formulas for Computing Respiratory Exchange and Biological Transformations of Energy. By Thorne M. Carpenter. Washington, D. C. 1924. Carnegie Institution.
- The Influence of Inanition on Metabolism. By Francis Gano Benedict. Washington, D. C. 1907. Carnegie Institution.
- The Metabolism and Energy Transformations of Healthy Man during Rest. By Francis G. Benedict and Thorne M. Carpenter. Washington, D. C. 1910. Carnegie Institution.
- The Physiology of the New-Born Infant. Character and Amount of the Katabolism. By Francis G. Benedict and Fritz B. Talbot. Washington, D. C. 1915. Carnegie Institution.
- Undernutrition in Steers: its Relation to Metabolism, Digestion, and Subsequent Realimentation. By Francis G. Benedict and Ernest G. Ritzman. Washington, D. C. Carnegie Institution.
- The Basal Metabolism of Mayas in Yucatan. G. D. Williams and F. G. Benedict.
- Age and Basal Metabolism of Adults. Francis G. Benedict.
- The Basal Metabolism of some Browns and Blacks in Jamaica. M. Steggerda.
- Respiration Apparatus for a Metabolic Study of the various Subdivisions of the Human Race. By Francis G. Benedict.
- Basal Metabolism data on Normal Men and Women (Serie II). With some considerations on the use of Predication Standards. Francis G. Benedict.
- Basal Metabolism in Anthropology. Francis G. Benedict.
- Basal Metabolism. The modern Measure of Vital Activity. Dr. F. Benedict.
- Field Respiration Apparatus for a medical and physiological survey of Racial Metabolism. By Francis Benedict. P. h. 1.
- A method for the determination of the Energy Values of foods and excreta. By Francis Benedict and Edward L. Fox.
- Royal Institution of Great Britain by France M. Carpenter.
- Skin Temperature and Heat Loss. Francis Benedict.
- The Measurement and standards of Basal Metabolism. Francis Benedict. Ph. D.
- The Pursuitmeter and Apparatus for measuring the adequacy of Neuro-Musculus Coordination. Descibed to Getheer, with illustration, W. R. Miles. Notes on the use the portable respiration apparatus. Francis Benedict.
- The Temperature of the human skin. F. G. Benedict, W. R. Miles and A. John.
- Portable respiration apparatus for clinical use. F. B. Benedict.
- Leopoldina amerikaband Sonderdruck.
- Large-number. Division by calculating machine. Harry H. Laughlin.
- The Motivation of Child bearing. R. H. Johnson.
- Intelligence as a Mendelian character. Harrison H. Hutt.
- The inheritance of dialects mellitus a study in polyfactorial Genetics and apparatus for Studying the respiration Exchange, Francis Benedict.
- Control Tests of a respiration Calorimeters. Francis G. Benedict, J. A. Riche and D. E. Emmes.
- Idioma
- Español
- Temática
- Origen
- Lugar
- Ciudad de México, México
- Fecha de publicación
- 1934-12-31
- Editor
- Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
- Emisión
- Monográfico único
- Tipo de recurso
- Texto
- Artículo de revista
- Identificadores
- 47_18771231-000000:27_506_7070
- Catalogación
- Fuente
- Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
- Idioma
- Español
- Digitalización
- Formato del original (GMD)
- Texto
- Origen del recurso digital
- Reformateado digital
- Formato del recurso digital
- Application/pdf
- Calidad del recurso digital
- Acceso
- Revista Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
- Número de revista Anales del Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Historia y Etnografía. Num. 26 Tomo I (1934) Quinta Época (1934-1938)
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